Financial Assistance For Our Local Students
DeWitt Bank & Trust Co. has worked with several people to establish trusts to provide financial assistance to local students. These trust accounts have awarded over $400,000 to recipients, and will continue to provide financial assistance for local students for years to come.
The Oswald and Sophia Bathalter Scholarship
Mr. and Mrs. Bathalter were farmers in our area that left the bulk of their estate to this scholarship fund. Any Clinton County student may apply with preference being given to students from Central Clinton Community High School and of the Catholic Faith. The scholarship, leadership and service of the applicant are considered, as well as financial need.
Applications must be completed, signed and submitted no later than March 1, of each calendar year. Applications are to be mailed or delivered to the Trust Department of DeWitt Bank & Trust Co., PO Box 260, 815 6th Ave., DeWitt, Iowa 52742-0260.
Guidelines Established for the Oswald and Sophia Bathalter Scholarship Trust
- The character of the individual.
- Other financial assistance available to individual(s) in pursuit of higher education.
- The Decedent's desire first priority be given to individuals who are graduating seniors of Central Community School District, in the county of Clinton, State of Iowa, and that graduating students of other high schools in Clinton County, Iowa, be given second priority.
- The Decedent's desire that special consideration is given prospective recipients who are of the Roman Catholic Faith.
- The scholastic record of the individual.
Mayme Bates Trust
Orville Bates created a fund to provide interest-free loans to students for ten year periods as a memorial to his wife Mayme.
Applications must be completed, signed and submitted no later than June 1, of each calendar year. Applications are to be mailed or delivered to the Trust Department of DeWitt Bank & Trust Co., PO Box 260, 815 6th Ave., DeWitt, Iowa 52742-0260.
Guidelines for the Mayme E. Bates Trust Application for Assistance 10-Year Interest-Free Loan
- Applicants must reside within a five-mile radius of the corporate limits of the City of DeWitt, Iowa.
- Applicants may receive loans from the Trust for no more than four years.
- Applicants are required to execute a promissory note or notes for the amount or amounts paid to such beneficiary, payable ten years from the date thereof, without interest.
We recommend that you review all scholarships through your high school guidance counselor.

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